Royal College of Art, London- Degree Show 2022 ( Group Show )

Gabriele D'Annunzio - “ The richest experiences happen long before the soul takes notice. And when we begin to open our eyes to the visible, we have already been supporters of the invisible for a long time.”

Through various degrees of fantasy, abstraction, fragmentation and atmosphere, my work presents the female anatomy in  complex ways. I challenge how the body has traditionally been represented, fetishised or objectified with its reduction to sexualized body parts within art history, and how female bodily functions in particular are ‘abjected’ by a patriarchal social order.  

Symbols and images are interconnected in a blend of history, mythology and the personal. Figures dwell in fluid, changing settings are constantly modified and reshaped by the actions and associations of the human body. And at the same time, they seem to be on the brink of disappearing, insisting on remaining in the shadows, under the night light, inside the belly!

I address ideas such as shame, fragility, anxiety, disgust and phobias. The works are built with self- destruction, obeying the disordered and the poetic. Female figures become transformative, transgressive, divine, ethereal spirits. They are travelers, sleepwalkers and ghosts with the attitudes of seductive ambivalent beings, distorted multitaskers, selfish shapeshifters and sexual parasites. They reveal internal conflicts and compositional pandemonia, in my studio, my demons and I. 

A choreography physically manifested in various psychological states.

I infuse my energy, I perform on the canvas.

Tactility forms a part of my visual language and collage and embroidery become symbolic. Stitching has a strong physicality, reminiscent of a veil flowing and healing trauma. My latex works operate like a hybridic second skin, parasitic and perplexing, oscillating between permanence and ephemerality. It has the potential to augment and to veil. And like us it hardens, it decays and it changes.

Konstantina Krikzoni, 2022

“Hypnovates”, oil and watercolour on linen, 240 x 550 cm, 2022

RCA Degree Show 2022, Installation view, 2022